News: Announcing the UK Galaxy Community
gravatar for graham.etherington
4.3 years ago by
European Union
graham.etherington50 wrote:

Dear UK Galaxy users,

I'm delighted to announce the launch of the UK Galaxy Community.

Please visit the site and have a look around:

The aims of Galaxy-UK are:

  • To bring the Galaxy community in the United Kingdom closer together
  • Identify and address the needs of the community
  • Encourage interaction and collaboration.

Galaxy-UK is also an information hub for events such as:

  • UK based Galaxy training courses
  • UK based talks involving Galaxy
  • Information on the location of UK Galaxy servers
  • Anything else that might be pertinent to bring the UK Galaxy users/admins together as a community

We will be organising both online meetings and physical meetings, so keep an eye on the site for these events. 

Best wishes,

The Galaxy-UK Team.

galaxy news • 693 views
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