News: Galaxy out-of-the-box - SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition
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3.5 years ago by
United States
tom0 wrote:

Title:  SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition - Galaxy out-of-the-box

BioTeam is excited to announce our participation in the Galaxy Community Conference this year in the UK!  

The scientists at BioTeam have worked to remove IT barriers and enable scientific discovery for over a decade. We have spent the past year developing and enhancing our SlipStream Appliance with customers throughout the US, UK, Switzerland and France.  We are very excited to expand our Early Access Program to include more researchers!

We are now delivering 4 hardware configurations of the SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition.  Each Appliance has a production configuration of Galaxy and tools pre-installed, tested and ready to run in your lab.


SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition, Base Model - 20 Cores, 384GB RAM, 32TB storage
SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition, Base Plus Model - 20 Cores, 384GB RAM, 96TB storage
SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition, Power Model  - 20 Cores, 512GB RAM, 32TB storage
SlipStream Appliance Galaxy Edition, Power Plus Model - 20 Cores, 512GB RAM, 96TB storage



For more information please go to

We look forward to collaborating with you!

Thank you.


Tom Bartlett

BioTeam SlipStream Project Team (Galaxy Appliance)

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