Question: Download Contains The Html File
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4.9 years ago by
Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310 wrote:
Hi, I have a tool that works well. However, when I download the results, the results are zipped up but included into the zip file is the *.html file (with the same name as the tool output) do you know how I can stop this from being zipped up? Thanks Neil
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.9 years ago • written 4.9 years ago by Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310
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4.9 years ago by
Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310 wrote:
Sorry I should have provided more detail. After I have executed my tool, I write the html into the dataset_'id'.dat file listing all the output files which I store in extra_files_path (named as dataset_id_files in the database). Thus when I do a download I only want the files stored in "dataset_id_files" downloaded I don't want/need dataset_'id'.dat, too. Can I stop dataset_id.dat from being included in the zip file? I was thinking I may need to change "act_on_multiple_datasets" in ~./lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/ . However, it doesn't seem that this function is called when you click on the download icon on the "history" panel. Thanks Neil To: Subject: download contains the html file Hi, I have a tool that works well. However, when I download the results, the results are zipped up but included into the zip file is the *.html file (with the same name as the tool output) do you know how I can stop this from being zipped up? Thanks Neil
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.9 years ago by Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310
For those following this thread. I, finally, managed to stop zipping up the html file by commenting out the "try" block (around line 260) in ~/lib/galaxy/datatypes/ Thanks Neil To: Subject: RE: download contains the html file Sorry I should have provided more detail. After I have executed my tool, I write the html into the dataset_'id'.dat file listing all the output files which I store in extra_files_path (named as dataset_id_files in the database). Thus when I do a download I only want the files stored in "dataset_id_files" downloaded I don't want/need dataset_'id'.dat, too. Can I stop dataset_id.dat from being included in the zip file? I was thinking I may need to change "act_on_multiple_datasets" in ~./lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/ . However, it doesn't seem that this function is called when you click on the download icon on the "history" panel. Thanks Neil To:<> Subject: download contains the html file Hi, I have a tool that works well. However, when I download the results, the results are zipped up but included into the zip file is the *.html file (with the same name as the tool output) do you know how I can stop this from being zipped up? Thanks Neil
ADD REPLYlink written 4.9 years ago by Neil.Burdett@csiro.au310
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