Question: Non-Coding Rna Annotation
gravatar for Hoang, Thanh
5.2 years ago by
Hoang, Thanh200
Hoang, Thanh200 wrote:
Hi all, I am analyzing my small RNA sequencing data on mouse tissue. Does anyone know where to download annotation file for non-coding RNA? Thanks Thanh
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5.2 years ago by Hoang, Thanh200
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
5.2 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello, If you are using the Tuxedo suite of tools, then iGenomes is one good resource. The NCBI files represent RefSeq, and RefSeq includes non-coding transcripts. NM_XXXX = coding transcript with defined p_id, tss_id, gene_name NR_XXXX = non-coding transcript with defined tss_id, gene_name The mm9 version of the iGenomes GTF file is already on the public Main Galaxy server at: Shared Data -> Data Libraries -> iGenomes More about the source is here, and is also where you can obtain mm10 (download tar locally to your computer, then just upload the genes.gtf file as a dataset): If using other software, you have many other good choices. Most will have user groups that suggested the best fit for the tool. Reviewing the 'Gene and Gene Prediction' tracks at UCSC ( will give you an idea of those that contain non-coding, predicted, etc. transcripts. Biomart is also a great resource where Ensembl and other annotation in GTF or BED format can be reviewed and retrieved. Thanks, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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