Question: Finding Tools To Annotate Non-Coding Snps From Gwas
sultana tahiri • 10 wrote:
We are starting a project in our laboratory which aims to annotate a
given set of SNPs lying in non-coding DNA from GWAS studies.
We would like to have the most comprehensive view of those non-coding
SNPs putative and validated functions.
We've already been through publications about Galaxy and GalaxyENCODE,
we also been searching for similar request on the FAQ but found no
similar request dated from 2013. We would like to know about the
latest add to Galaxy, as we've seen that part of the BEDtools have
been integrated to Galaxy for example.
Our question is:
-What Tools available in Galaxy would take as an input a list of non-
coding SNPs (or DNA regions) identified in our GWAS studies and return
annotations of those SNPs (annotations such as histones modification,
transcription factor binding, and other non-coding DNA features around
those SNP) ?
We haven't found a searching option on Galaxy that would allows us to
look for tools by keywords related to their function or purpose. We
assumed that we might have missed something, thank you for letting us
know if there were such searching options.
Thanks you very much for your time,
Kind regards,
The Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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modified 5.4 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
5.4 years ago by
sultana tahiri • 10