Question: Add Nglims To Galaxy-Dist
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5.2 years ago by
Peter Huang30
Peter Huang30 wrote:
Hi Brad, I am curious if you could tell me the way that I could add your nglims to my galaxy-dist production system. I have read your step by step procedure here: but it didn't mention how to add it to the galaxy-dist. Do you have a patch name for it? Should I use hg pull or hg patch? Thanks Best, Peter
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240 • written 5.2 years ago by Peter Huang30
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5.2 years ago by
Brad Chapman240
United States
Brad Chapman240 wrote:
Peter; I maintain nglims as a fork of galaxy-central, syncing back to the main repository regularly: This was an easier approach than trying to keep a set of patches up to date. Hope this helps, Brad
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240
Hi Brad, Thanks for the kind reply. So does it mean that I won't be able to add it to our existing galaxy-dist production server as the only way to obtain it is to clone the one you listed? Thanks. Best, Peter To: Peter Huang; Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] add nglims to galaxy-dist Peter; I maintain nglims as a fork of galaxy-central, syncing back to the main repository regularly: This was an easier approach than trying to keep a set of patches up to date. Hope this helps, Brad
ADD REPLYlink written 5.2 years ago by Peter Huang30
Peter; Unfortunately it's not that easy to graft into place on top of the existing Galaxy. It requires a database table addition and other tweaks so it would be a bit tricky to automate. Additionally, my suggestion would be to first try it out on a separate instance before thinking about integrating with your production Galaxy. It does take a bit of tweaking and it would be good to see if it fit your needs before investing time in it. Sorry the process isn't easier and hope this helps, Brad
ADD REPLYlink written 5.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240
Hi Brad, Thanks for the email reply. As you suggested, I installed a second instance of galaxy (ie galaxy-central from your branch). I was able to follow all what you wrote. However, when I tried to launch the galaxy, the 'next gen sequence' menu wasn't there under the Lab tab. I watch the video you posted at the youtube, but still couldn't find it. Do you know what I miss here? Thanks. Best, Peter To: Peter Huang; Subject: RE: [galaxy-user] add nglims to galaxy-dist Peter; Unfortunately it's not that easy to graft into place on top of the existing Galaxy. It requires a database table addition and other tweaks so it would be a bit tricky to automate. Additionally, my suggestion would be to first try it out on a separate instance before thinking about integrating with your production Galaxy. It does take a bit of tweaking and it would be good to see if it fit your needs before investing time in it. Sorry the process isn't easier and hope this helps, Brad
ADD REPLYlink written 5.2 years ago by Peter Huang30
Peter; Thanks for giving this a try. The set of instructions to get this up and running are here: If the `Next Gen sequence` menu is missing, the most likely cause is that you don't have `use_nglims=True` set in your `universe_wsgi.ini` file. Hope this helps get it running, Brad
ADD REPLYlink written 5.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240
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