Question: Running Out Of Disk Space In Cloudman Instance
gravatar for Siddhartha Basu
5.9 years ago by
Siddhartha Basu10 wrote:
Hi, The instance ran out of space very quickly as soon as i import ~4 3GB fastq file. The problem turns out to be identical as described here ... on-the-cloud-td3805376.html#a3808628 Is there any permanent fix available that is already baked into the entire cloud setup and workflow. For the time being, i circumvent the issue by mounting the /tmp in a separate ebs volume partition(~50GB), adding it in /etc/fstab and then reboot the machine. However, the /tmp has to be mounted without *noexec* option since the upstart python script executes another python possibly) from /tmp to start the cloudman webapp. thanks, -siddhartha
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