Question: Curious-- What Does "You Are Currently Viewing A Deleted History!" Mean?
gravatar for Bob Harris
6.0 years ago by
Bob Harris190
United States
Bob Harris190 wrote:
Howdy, A couple weeks ago I popped up and, without logging in, submitted a small megablast job, then forgot about it. Today I remembered that job and went back to look at it. The results are there (hurray!) but I am confused by the notification that "You are currently viewing a deleted history!" What does this mean? My best guess is that this data has been marked for deletion but the disk space hasn't been reclaimed yet. Is that correct? If so, there must be a better way to say that to the user. I don't need these results after seeing them, but would a novice user understand this message means he/she needs to take some action to preserve their results? Just curious, Bob H
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