Question: Mapping
gravatar for Marcus Ludwig
9.5 years ago by
Marcus Ludwig10 wrote:
Hi, I want to map a set of sequences (derived from RNA) against a bacterial genome. Unfortunately, the genome of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 consists of one chromosome and six plasmids. In MAQ I can chose only one DNA entry for mapping. In local BLAST it was possible to generate databases consisting of several DNA entries to map the data. Does anybody have experience in mapping transcription data against complex genomes in Galaxy. Best regards, Marcus
galaxy • 775 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.5 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k • written 9.5 years ago by Marcus Ludwig10
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9.5 years ago by
Penn State
Anton Nekrutenko1.7k wrote:
Dear Marcus: If you are using Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 sequences from the Galaxy's microbial upload tool do this: 1. Simply select all sequences you want and click "Execute" 2. Use "Text Manipulation->Concatenate Queries" to concatenate all sequences into a single dataset 3. Run MAQ Let me know if you have further issues. anton Anton Nekrutenko
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.5 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k
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