Question: Fetch Codons And Amino Acid
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6.4 years ago by
bingyu1982127010 wrote:
Hi all, I am a new Galaxy user and I have searched the mail list, looking for the answers to my questions, but failed. I am trying to fetch the corresponding codon or amino acid alignments among 46 species using genomic intervals in human. I know if I have a list of human genomic intervals, I can get the nucleotide alignments of these intervals among 46 species. I have hundreds of genomic intervals in human. They are all located in CDS regions. I already fetched the alignment among the 46 species for each genomic interval. The thing is that I also want to know the corresponding codons or amino acids. Can somebody help me out? Thanks a million! Patricia Hsu Kunming Institute of botany, CAS bingyu19821270
galaxy • 749 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.4 years ago by bingyu1982127010
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6.4 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Patricia, If your data is still in MAF format, first convert it to FASTA using the tool "Convert Formats -> MAF to FASTA". Next, translate the regions using the tool "EMBOSS -> transeq". Depending on where your intervals are located, the data may get confusing at the translation step if you are not sure of the starting human frame or if it is mixed, but there isn't really another good solution from this point. If this is a problem, you could always back up and start with intervals having a known frame for all (for example, +1 for human) or group the intervals by common human frame before extracting the MAFs. If you used the tool "Stitch Gene blocks", then you should not have any problems (it is designed to preserve reference frame +1 for the merged coding exon intervals when the default options are used). The FASTA translations for a "gene" or group of related "intervals" can be sent to the tool "Multiple Alignments -> ClustalW" to view the resulting translations back in a stacked alignment format. The tool "Motif Tools -> Sequence Logo" may also be of interest for viewing/graphing results. More about the MAF tools available in Galaxy: Making whole genome multiple alignments usable for biologists Hopefully this helps, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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