Question: Utilize text manipulation to remove poor alignments in MAF?
patrickcalhoun88 • 0 wrote:
Hello all,
So I am attempting to find covariance and long story short I am attempting a 28waymultiZ vertebrate MAF file as my input, but I need to remove any of the species that have an excessive number of gaps (or almost all gaps for any given maf block). Is there anyway to do this in a text maniuplation? I know, for example, when you stitch maf blocks you can select which species to keep, would that work without a bed file to designate the range? Or could I use a bed file that designates the entire range or would that mess it up somehow? I'm at a loss, but ultimately I need to remove some species from my MAF file so I have better allignment in the remaining species. Thanks again!
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modified 3.5 years ago
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
3.5 years ago by
patrickcalhoun88 • 0