Question: Gmod Summer School Application Deadline
Scott Cain • 100 wrote:
The deadline to apply for the GMOD Summer School is in one week, July
9th. The application is available as a Google Form:
In the GMOD Summer School (August 24-29, 2012) we will cover the
installation, configuration and use of a variety of GMOD tools,
including Chado, GBrowse, JBrowse and Galaxy. For more information on
the course, see the course web page at
The course will make heavy use of the Amazon Web Service (aka, the
Cloud) via a grant from Amazon. Enrollment is limited to 24 students,
and the application process is competitive: the last few years we've
received over 75 applications for those 24 spots.
I look forward to seeing you in North Carolina in August!
Scott Cain, Ph. D. scott at
scottcain dot net
GMOD Coordinator ( 216-392-3087
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research