Question: Early Registration For Gmod Meeting Closes In One Week
gravatar for Scott Cain
5.7 years ago by
Scott Cain100
Scott Cain100 wrote:
Hello, The GMOD meeting is in Cambridge, England on April 5-6 (right before the Biocurator meeting) and early registration closes March 21 (in one week). It is shaping up to be a good meeting with several interesting talks scheduled. Please try to make it! For more information on the meeting, see the meeting page: and to save some money on your registration, go to before March 21 to register. If you'd like to give a talk at the meeting please let me know. Scott -- Scott Cain, Ph. D. scott at scottcain dot net GMOD Coordinator ( 216-392-3087 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
gmod • 712 views
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