Question: Re: Wrapper Question Prefix For Output Files.
gravatar for Victor Ruotti
6.8 years ago by
Victor Ruotti90 wrote:
Hi Peter,Thanks for the quick feedback.  Sorry if I wasn't clear. Yes, I asking on how to set the labels for a file so instead of  <data format="tabular" name="filename" label="genes-results"/> we can have a variable that comes from the interface set by the user so it can be like this? Say the user set the name from a text box to be "S" We can have S saved as $prefix, something like below. <data format="tabular" name="$prefix.filename" label="$prefix.genes- results"/> The files then will be labeled: S.genes-results They still be called dataset_547.dat but labeled based on the user's input? Victor On 02/23/12, Peter Cock
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.8 years ago by SHAUN WEBB70 • written 6.8 years ago by Victor Ruotti90
gravatar for SHAUN WEBB
6.8 years ago by
SHAUN WEBB70 wrote:
Hi Victor, this is how I have implemented this: <param name="sample" type="text" format="txt" label="Sample label"/> <data format="tabular" name="filename" label="${sample}.genes-results"/> Shaun Quoting VICTOR M RUOTTI wisc-mail <> on Thu, 23 Feb 2012 13:06:23 -0600: -- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.8 years ago by SHAUN WEBB70
Thank you Shaun. That worked really good! One final question. What is the best way to generate output files dynamically by galaxy. That is if the user sets a parameter, say create bam file. Then the output file gets generated. If the same parameter is false or no, then galaxy does not generate this file. We tried using the when tags and the conditional tags inside the output tags with no luck. Thanks again and looking forward to your response. Victor
ADD REPLYlink written 6.8 years ago by Victor Ruotti90
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