Question: Tool_Type="Data_Source_Async"
gravatar for Matt Vincent
6.9 years ago by
Matt Vincent10
Matt Vincent10 wrote:
Hello all, I am trying to configure an Asynchronous tool (I can get it to work synchronously). My configuration looks something like this for the tool: <tool name="mytoolname" id="myunique_tool_id_1" tool_type="data_source_async"> <description>mytool description</description> $output $__app__.config.output_size_limit <inputs action="http://myurl" check_values="false" method="post"> <display>Go to MyTool $GALAXY_URL</display> </inputs> <request_param_translation> <request_param galaxy_name="URL_method" remote_name="URL_method" missing="post"/> <request_param galaxy_name="URL" remote_name="URL" missing=""/> <request_param galaxy_name="jobname" remote_name="jobname" missing="N/A"/> </request_param_translation> <uihints minwidth="800"/> <outputs> <data name="output" format="zip"/> </outputs> <options sanitize="False" refresh="True"/> </tool> This works fine and downloads the data, but I was expecting Galaxy to post another GALAXY_URL parameter for me to generate the data and than post back to Galaxy once done. This is described here... However, I never receive “another” GALAXY_URL as descripbed in Step 1 of the Asynchronous data depositing section. I am using the most recent version of Galaxy. Can someone please show an example? Matt
galaxy • 500 views
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