Question: (Operationalerror) Unable To Open Database File
gravatar for Cai Shaojiang
6.9 years ago by
Cai Shaojiang40 wrote:
Dear friends, We are trying to install galaxy on the server (ubuntu 11), just by following the steps on the page "Get Galaxy: Galaxy Download and Installation" of galaxy wiki. But when we start running it, it shows the following error message. OperationalError: (OperationalError) unable to open database file u'INSERT INTO galaxy_session (create_time, update_time, user_id, remote_host, remote_addr, referer, current_history_id, session_key, is_valid, prev_session_id, disk_usage) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ['2011-12-29 04:52:46.575702', '2011-12-29 04:52:46.575719', None, '', '', None, None, '5a38b2a7e6d77a7145726cb0881eadf6', 1, None, None] It seems something wrong with the write permission. Could you give any hint where the problem could be? Thanks. Best regards. Yours: Cai
galaxy • 806 views
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