Question: Error With Encodedb
gravatar for Prachi Shah
12.8 years ago by
Prachi Shah30
Prachi Shah30 wrote:
ENCODEdb queries don't work well. Here's the error message generated: error, format: interval, database: hg16 Info: 'module' object has no attribute 'BASEURL' Thanks, Prachi
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250 • written 12.8 years ago by Prachi Shah30
gravatar for Istvan Albert
12.8 years ago by
Istvan Albert250
University Park
Istvan Albert250 wrote:
we've been changing a bunch of things lately. I'll take a look. -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250
Thanks for looking in it. I hope we can have it resolved before Friday. That is my last day at work. And can you somehow add the ENCODEdb queries into your test so that next time there are some changes that indirectly affect the connection, you would know about it. Prachi
ADD REPLYlink written 12.8 years ago by Prachi Shah30
I believe I've fixed the problem, we'll ask Anton to make it live on the test server. As for automated tests, it is easy to write tests for local tools or static forms, but for external sites that use dynamic features like javascript or DHTML it can be very tedious to analyze the content of each page and manually trigger the proper page updates, so that the pages look and contain the same things as when using the browser. Istvan -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD REPLYlink written 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250
Can't we mock it though? Run the tool but don't actually have it send anything to ENCODE db, instead intercept what would be sent and make sure it looks good, then send back a pre-canned response.
ADD REPLYlink written 12.8 years ago by James Taylor320
Yes we can mock it, though this one is more complicated to properly emulate. If I recall it correctly, to cover it fully it would need to receive two responses, once to create the data, then later get a second request to inform it about the location of the download, then allow the system to connect to this location to fetch the data, On the other hand, even partial tests would help to catch many errors like the ones we just had. Istvan -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD REPLYlink written 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250
Istvan, Please let me, Lowell and Laura know when the changes go up to the galaxy public site, because that is the one linked to ENCODEdb. You can reach me at after Sunday. Lowell, there is nothing to be done at the ENCODEdb end. Just run a couple of test queries and make sure everything is alright with the connection to Galaxy. Prachi
ADD REPLYlink written 12.8 years ago by Prachi Shah30
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