Question: Rna-Seq Mutation Detection
gravatar for Richard Mark White
7.3 years ago by
Richard Mark White240 wrote:
Hi,   I am trying to look at differences between two RNA-seq samples to see if there are mutations in one of them relative to the other (i.e. not in comparison to a reference genome).  Does anyone know of a way to do this within galaxy?  Any help is appreciated! rich
galaxy • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.3 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k • written 7.3 years ago by Richard Mark White240
gravatar for Jeremy Goecks
7.3 years ago by
Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Jeremy Goecks2.2k wrote:
Rich, Given that you're analyzing your RNA-seq data using Galaxy, I'd guess that you're using Tophat to map your reads onto on reference genome. If this is the case, then you can use the BAM files produced by Tophat to generate variation data for each sample. The variation tools that you'll want to look at are [NGS: SAM Tools-->]Generate Pileup [NGS: GATK Tools-->]Unified Genotyper (only avaiable on our test server and still in beta) The outputs for each tool produce a consensus base for each potential variation site, and you can compare the consensus base for each sample to look for differences. If you're doing de novo assembly of your RNA-seq data to look for variation, you'll need to use tools that are not currently available in Galaxy. Good luck, J.
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.3 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Hi,   Thanks very much.  I've tried this, but one thing I have noticed is that if I do the initial mapping with BWA vs. Bowtie the # of variants I get is much larger with BWA.  I have seen mention on the web that you need to change the quality score annotation for BWA before running SAMtools, but not sure precisely how to do this.  any thoughts? Rich ________________________________ To: Richard Mark White <> Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] rna-seq mutation detection Rich, Given that you're analyzing your RNA-seq data using Galaxy, I'd guess that you're using Tophat to map your reads onto on reference genome. If this is the case, then you can use the BAM files produced by Tophat to generate variation data for each sample. The variation tools that you'll want to look at are  [NGS: SAM Tools-->]Generate Pileup [NGS: GATK Tools-->]Unified Genotyper (only avaiable on our test server and still in beta) The outputs for each tool produce a consensus base for each potential variation site, and you can compare the consensus base for each sample to look for differences. If you're doing de novo assembly of your RNA-seq data to look for variation, you'll need to use tools that are not currently available in Galaxy. Good luck, J. Hi,
ADD REPLYlink written 7.3 years ago by Richard Mark White240
Rich, You can convert base quality scores using the FASTQ Groomer tool. Note that Galaxy tools typically work with Sanger (Phred+33) quality scores. Good luck, J.
ADD REPLYlink written 7.3 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
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