Question: Xgrid And Galaxy
gravatar for Paul Cantalupo
7.3 years ago by
Paul Cantalupo20 wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to determine if Galaxy will work with Xgrid to set up a small cluster of Mac's for next-gen sequencing projects. I saw on that Galaxy supports Torque PBS or Sun Grid. I don't think that Sun Grid runs on Snow Leopard and I don't know about Torque. Snow Leopard already comes with Xgrid so I was hoping to use it. Thank you for your help, Paul Cantalupo University of Pittsburgh
galaxy • 699 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.3 years ago by Roman Valls130 • written 7.3 years ago by Paul Cantalupo20
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7.3 years ago by
Roman Valls130
Roman Valls130 wrote:
I'm no expert on MacOS but since Xgrid seems to have an opensource DRMAA implementation, it *might* be possible (with some integration/programming efforts): This blog author might help you if you run into issues.. Hope that helps !
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.3 years ago by Roman Valls130
Hi Paul, If you manage to get Xgrid working with galaxy, please share your success, as I would love to try it. But know that you can use SGE on Mac OS X. I was able to get it working by following this blog post and screencast: I tried to compile SGE by myself, but couldn't, so I used this binaries: --Carlos
ADD REPLYlink written 7.3 years ago by Carlos Borroto390
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