Question: Workflow Question
gravatar for Jose Jorge Galan
10.2 years ago by
Jose Jorge Galan20 wrote:
Dear Sirs, I am trying to create a workflow from scratch although it has been impossible for me. The simple problem is that I cannot move the boxes through the canvas. Each time I add a new box it is sent to the same position in the canvas, all the boxes overlap and I am not able to move or connect them. According to the screencast "Workflow from scratch" when you put the cursor on the top of each box, a pam icon appears and you are then able to move the boxes representing both, input datasets and tools. However, when I try to do so, a cross icon instead of a pam icon appears and it does not allow me to move to boxes. Any help in this topic is welcome. Yours Faithfully, Jose Jorge Galan, PhD _________________________________________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger us&source=wlmailtagline
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.2 years ago by Michael Rusch80 • written 10.2 years ago by Jose Jorge Galan20
gravatar for James Taylor
10.2 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Hello, I'm sorry you are having trouble. Can you let us know which galaxy server are you using, and what browser. Thanks, James
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.2 years ago by James Taylor320
I've had a similar problem, using Firefox 3.0.1. In my case, you can generally drag stuff just fine at first, but as time goes on, fewer and fewer of the boxes will drag, until finally, there is no response to any clicks in the canvas. Last time I did it, I was able to add two tools, and once I connected them, I could suddenly only get the mouse pointer to change by hovering over a small area on one of the tools. I was able to move it one more time, and then everything was non-responsive. Michael
ADD REPLYlink written 10.2 years ago by Michael Rusch80
gravatar for Michael Rusch
10.2 years ago by
Michael Rusch80 wrote:
Thanks for checking me, I was looking at our local instance which I hadn't updated for awhile. My bad. I just updated, and it works great. Thanks, Michael
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.2 years ago by Michael Rusch80
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