Question: Workflow Support In Local Instance
gravatar for Michael Rusch
10.3 years ago by
Michael Rusch80 wrote:
I checked out galaxy from subversion today and installed it on a server here. I'm not seeing any workflow support through the interface. Is there something that needs to be done to enable it? Is the svn repos out- of-date? Am I missing something? Michael
galaxy • 502 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.3 years ago by James Taylor70 • written 10.3 years ago by Michael Rusch80
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10.3 years ago by
James Taylor70
James Taylor70 wrote:
Hi Michael. First, you should probably check out using mercurial to be sure you are getting the latest version. Second, you need to add "enable_beta_features = true" under the "[app:main]" section in "universe_wsgi.ini" to enable workflow. -- jt James Taylor Assistant Professor Department of Biology Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Emory University
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.3 years ago by James Taylor70
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