Question: Problem In Saving Visualizations In Trackster
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7.4 years ago by
suman pal10
suman pal10 wrote:
Hello, I am registered as in Galaxy main. recently I am trying to save visualizations in Trackster and repeatedly getting a message unable to save visualization.Is this something related to my PC memory ?This is in reference to RNAseq track visualization while adding tracksGalaxy tutorial):a) accepted hits track bam fileb) splice junction bed filec) and the table browser chr19 ref seq track Kindly see where the problem is? sincerelySuman
trackster • 736 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.4 years ago by Kanwei Li270 • written 7.4 years ago by suman pal10
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7.4 years ago by
Kanwei Li270
Kanwei Li270 wrote:
Hi Suman, We have fixed this bug but it has not been pushed to our main instance yet. Sorry for the inconvenience! -K
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by Kanwei Li270
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