Hello, I am trying to run featureCounts on my BAM file using a built-in genome from Galaxy. I wrote "hg38" in the "Select built-in genome" option and when I try to excute this message appears me: "Parameter bgenome requires a value, but has no legal values defined." Maybe, the built-in genome name (hg38) I wrote is not correct. Do you know what is the correct file name? or where can I find the names of the files? Thank you very much, Mercedes
The tool requires that the input BAM has the database assignment made. RNA STAR should be doing this at runtime, but it isn't, and that may be a bug (we are doing some testing).
Solution for now: Manually assign the database "hg38" to the input RNA STAR bam
dataset and this error will go away. There are several patch versions, so be sure to assign the primary release: Human Dec 2013 (GRCh38/hg38) (hg38)
- How do I find, adjust, and/or correct metadata? https://galaxyproject.org/support/metadata/
Thanks for reporting the issue!
Jen, Galaxy team
For anyone having trouble with the Featurecounts tool recognizing BAM/GFT inputs, please know that the tool now requires that the database metadata assignment is made to both the BAM and GTF inputs (when sourced from the history).
Please see this post for full details: https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/24154/#28027
Hello, Thank you very much for your answer! Now it's working. I have obtained the table with the Geneids and the number of reads mapped to them. I am trying to find where is the built in annotation file in Galaxy in order to know to which gene/feature each of the Geneids (numbers) reffer to. But I don't manage to find it. Thank you, Mercedes