Question: CloudLaunch v0.2 does not launch
gravatar for keunhchoi
7 months ago by
keunhchoi10 wrote:

I am trying both on local instance and clouding as I don't know which is the best way. Anyway, after hours of struggling with setting AWS and Cloudlaunch, I finally was ready to launch the clouding service.

I got

name: keun-hyung-galaxy-cloud-18-03-27t05-48
status : running
access address: (*admin redacted - never share a public server URL unless you have permissions set up to manage access*)

yet, when I clicked the address, it got nowhere except the first time. Can someone gently teach me how to solve this issue? I have no one around me to help these issues.


ADD COMMENTlink written 7 months ago by keunhchoi10

You mention that it got nowhere 'except the first time'. What happened the first time, exactly?

ADD REPLYlink written 7 months ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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