Question: Accessing Galaxy On The Cloud From Http
gravatar for Colleen Doherty
7.2 years ago by
Colleen Doherty50 wrote:
Hello, I am having trouble setting up access to the galaxy cloud instance and may have missed something in the tutorial (I am following this one: I am able to launch the instance I can access it through ssh, but when I try to access it through firefox or chrome it just times out. I am using the public DNS provided by amazon I DO add the /cloud I do have the http port added in the security group for "GalaxyWeb" that I set up (I also tried to add https just in case) Would someone be willing to work through this with me? I suspect I have incorrectly set up my security group, but I have tried many versions of the options. I have been through the amazon security faqs and I don't see what the issue could be (other than maybe IPv4 vs IPv6). Any advice or links for further help would be greatly appreciated Thank you!
galaxy • 926 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240 • written 7.2 years ago by Colleen Doherty50
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7.2 years ago by
Brad Chapman240
United States
Brad Chapman240 wrote:
Colleen; It does sound like something with the security group setting. Could you include a screenshot of what your security group looks like? As a reference, here is mine: Did you also remember to select this security group, and not the default, when starting the image in the console? I sometimes make that mistake and then wonder for a while why I'm having connectivity issues. Hope this helps, Brad
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.2 years ago by Brad Chapman240
Thank you for the quick answer. Here is a screenshot of my security groups (I have 2 galaxy ones, because I've been trying various options, but neither seem to work). As far as I can tell it looks similar to yours (thanks for that, it makes it easier to check that I typed everything in OK). nt=Screenshot-1.png One difference is that I have been selecting BOTH default and galaxy2 security groups, maybe I should just select only galaxy2, I'll try that next. Looking at it through my ssh, I think I may be missing an even bigger point because it does not seem like cloudman is running There is nothing in the /tmp file except for my userData.yaml (and it looks from various websites that I should have a tmp/cm dir) So maybe I missed a major step in the setup? Thanks again for any advice! Colleen
ADD REPLYlink written 7.2 years ago by Colleen Doherty50
Hi Brad and All, Some more info (in case it gives you or anyone else any hints as to what I am doing wrong): If I start apache2, I can access the instance through http, so I guess it isn't with my security settings. I get: "It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet." I am obviously missing the cloudman startup, but I'm not sure what step I skipped that does that part. I see on this page ( that I can specify in the userData.yaml an optional boot_script_name, but it is not clear that I should explicitly include that in the userdata when I launch the instance. Just to be safe I also tried accessing it with just galaxy2 security settings (not also including default). I can still access it by ssh, but no access to it via http. Again if I start apache2, I can access via http, but there is nothing running. If I try to connect via NX it also fails (details provided by NX below) Again, thanks so much for the help with this! Colleen NXPROXY - Version 3.5.0 Copyright (C) 2001, 2011 NoMachine. See for more information. Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '14459'. Session: Starting session at 'Mon Sep 26 17:42:34 2011'. Warning: Connected to remote version 3.4.0 with local version 3.5.0. Info: Connection with remote proxy completed. Info: Using ADSL link parameters 512/24/1/0. Info: Using cache parameters 4/4096KB/16384KB/16384KB. Info: Using pack method 'adaptive-7' with session 'gnome'. Info: Using ZLIB data compression 1/1/32. Info: Using ZLIB stream compression 4/4. Info: No suitable cache file found. Info: Forwarding X11 connections to display ':0.0'. Info: Listening to font server connections on port '12000'. Session: Session started at 'Mon Sep 26 17:42:34 2011'. Info: Established X server connection. Info: Using shared memory parameters 1/4096K. Session: Terminating session at 'Mon Sep 26 17:43:34 2011'.
ADD REPLYlink written 7.2 years ago by Colleen Doherty50
Hi Colleen, Sorry to see you're having trouble. To get some blunt things out of the way, what AMI are you using? Also, are you specifying your user data in the AWS instance request wizard exactly as it's shown on the Galaxy Cloud page (<http:"" admin="" cloud="" userdata=""> )? Since you're logging into your instance, please also check the contents of the file /opt/galaxy/pkg/ This log file the is first entry point for CloudMan on an instance so it should tell us what's happening. Lastly, apache is not being used with Galaxy Cloud so unfortunately that won't help this time around. Enis
ADD REPLYlink written 7.2 years ago by Enis Afgan680
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