The Cloudman launch pages on the Galaxy (main) and BioCloudCentral are launching instances with the previous image (ami-a7dbfce), are these pages going to be updated to use the current image (ami-d1c77fba) when launching Cloudman instances? We like using these launch sites to fire up Cloudman instances, doing the same through the AWS interface is cumbersome.
Also, the documentation on the 'Getting started with Galaxy Cloudman' wiki page for launching Cloudman through the AWS interface (https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan/AWS/GettingStarted) is not up to date, the AWS interface and launch wizard has changed since the wiki was written. Using the current security group settings/rules on the wiki leads to a failed launch of the instance.
Thanks, Martin and Dannon. Using the new launch site did the trick!
I'll try to put a walk-through of cloud set-up together soon.
Hello Mo, When you have time, would you please accept the answers given by Martin and Dannon (two can be marked). This will likely come up for other users in the short term, and it will help them to find this post. Thanks! Jen