Question: Problems with FTP and account quota
gravatar for rodriguezk
11 months ago by
rodriguezk0 wrote:

it says to use my galaxy credentials but these are not working. i am getting very frustrated. i tried to upload my data sets and the program said they were too big. but they were less than what the tutorial showed.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 11 months ago by rodriguezk0
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11 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


I am not sure which server you are working at, but these are the instructions for using FTP for upload:

Galaxy Main ( has an individual dataset size upload limit of 50 GB (uncompressed). Some data formats, like BAM, will max out at around 25-35 GB, depending on content. Total account quota is set at 250 GB.

Galaxy Test technically has the same dataset upload limit, but the quota is set at 10 GB. We test on this server, so unless you are using it for a specific reason related to testing, stick with Galaxy Main.

If working somewhere else, check with the admins of that server to find out what their quota and upload limits are. Each Galaxy server is independently administered.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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11 months ago by
rodriguezk0 wrote:

I opened an account. Is that Galaxy Test? My files are about 11 GB uncompressed. The tutorial said to leave them in the .gz format. I still get that error. on I looked for the admin support here on campus, but they are gone. The error I get is "Failed: Filed exceeds 2GB. Please use a FTP client"

ADD COMMENTlink modified 11 months ago • written 11 months ago by rodriguezk0

FTP or a public URL must be used for files over 2 GB in size.

For FTP, please make sure the server name is correct as and that the credentials used are that Galaxy account's email address and password. Accounts are server-specific. Using Filezilla is generally straightforward: start with default settings - you shouldn't need to tune or change anything, just accept the security certificate when presented upon connection. If you cannot connect, there may be a firewall problem on your end and an admin would probably be needed to help resolve that issue.


ADD REPLYlink modified 11 months ago • written 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for npatin3
11 months ago by
npatin30 wrote:

I am having exactly the same problem. The regular Galaxy upload seems to be limited to 2 GB, and the ftp site won't accept my credentials (I've triple-checked that they are correct). When I try use FileZilla it also says my credentials are wrong.

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 months ago by npatin30

Please also see the help above:

ADD REPLYlink written 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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11 months ago by
rodriguezk0 wrote:

I tried using Genomespace and followed the upload instructions but received an error. Here is the log:

GenomeSpace Importer Dataset Information Number: 13 Name: GenomeSpace Importer Created: Fri 22 Dec 2017 05:12:51 PM (UTC) Filesize: 755 bytes Dbkey: ? Format: auto Job Information Galaxy Tool ID: genomespace_importer Galaxy Tool Version: 0.0.5 Tool Version:
Tool Standard Output: stdout Tool Standard Error: stderr Tool Exit Code: 1 History Content API ID: bbd44e69cb8906b58b54d8db4249c974 Job API ID: bbd44e69cb8906b5a2528fdd6ba05c3e History API ID: c135798770fda4cd UUID: e94b405a-6180-4396-8756-0a4c63008911 Tool Parameters Input Parameter Value Note for rerun Choose Input File from GenomeSpace^"Xsa4sDLPfg5yFNgnmKhqYYb5BVEBT238oSFKCHOVBoA="
Inheritance Chain GenomeSpace Importer

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 months ago by rodriguezk0
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