Question: MAGenTA for tn-seq analysis
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17 months ago by
stefano.sanselicio0 wrote:

Hello I am Stefano Sanselicio, an early post-doc at the university of Lausanne (Switzerland). I should do some analysis about my tn-seq and I am not an expert in bioinformatic and recently a new tool for analysis of tn-seq (called MAGenTA) came out ( ). In the article they say that this tool is available at the Galaxy public ToolShed repository. But in the galaxy website (in tools) I cannot find it even in the workflow (they also say that they already made a workflow).

Could you tell me where I can find this tool in Galaxy hub, please? Am I searching in the wrong area?

thank you very much, in advance,


galaxy • 493 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 17 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k • written 17 months ago by stefano.sanselicio0
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17 months ago by
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k wrote:

Hi Stefano

The tools are available in the toolshed for instalation in a local galaxy server. For example:

However, not every tool available in the toolshed is set up to execute on galaxy main ( .

I will send you an e-mail (off-line) with the contact details of someone working with Galaxy at UNIL

Regards, Hans-Rudolf

ADD COMMENTlink written 17 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
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