Dear Biostar members,
My intention is to create a genome reference of the mouse (mm10) to be used within bowtie2. So far, I downloaded the fa files and have the files listed below after my question.
Now I need to combine the files into one fa file to be used as reference genome for bowtie2. My questions are :
what files of these listed below should be combined?
What are the *_random.fa files? and should I include them into the reference genome fasta file?
What is chrUn ? and should I include it into the genome fasta file?
I searched for the number of chromosomes of a mouse and google returned 20. In this mm10 genome, I can see files corresponding to 19 chr. 1 X and 1 Y. Then my question is how many chromosomes does a mouse genome has and why I couldn't find consistent numbers.
chr4_JH584293_random.fa chrUn_GL456378.fa chr1.fa chr4_JH584294_random.fa chrUn_GL456379.fa chr10.fa chr4_JH584295_random.fa chrUn_GL456381.fa chr11.fa chr5.fa chrUn_GL456382.fa chr12.fa chr5_GL456354_random.fa chrUn_GL456383.fa chr13.fa chr5_JH584296_random.fa chrUn_GL456385.fa chr14.fa chr5_JH584297_random.fa chrUn_GL456387.fa chr15.fa chr5_JH584298_random.fa chrUn_GL456389.fa chr16.fa chr5_JH584299_random.fa chrUn_GL456390.fa chr17.fa chr6.fa chrUn_GL456392.fa chr18.fa chr7.fa chrUn_GL456393.fa chr19.fa chr7_GL456219_random.fa chrUn_GL456394.fa chr1_GL456210_random.fa chr8.fa chrUn_GL456396.fa chr1_GL456211_random.fa chr9.fa chrUn_JH584304.fa chr1_GL456212_random.fa chrM.fa chrX.fa chr1_GL456213_random.fa chrUn_GL456239.fa chrX_GL456233_random.fa chr1_GL456221_random.fa chrUn_GL456359.fa chrY.fa chr2.fa chrUn_GL456360.fa chrY_JH584300_random.fa chr3.fa chrUn_GL456366.fa chrY_JH584301_random.fa chr4.fa chrUn_GL456367.fa chrY_JH584302_random.fa chr4_GL456216_random.fa chrUn_GL456368.fa chrY_JH584303_random.fa chr4_GL456350_random.fa chrUn_GL456370.fa chr4_JH584292_random.fa chrUn_GL456372.fa
Best Regards, M. Tleis