Dear Galaxy Team
I have a Galaxy Instance loaded onto my computer and have been trying to create a DBkey and install the latest human hg38 genome using the 'Create DBkey and Reference Genome' data manager. However, I keep receiving the following error message (this worked fine when downloading the mouse mm10 genome).
Exception( 'Unable to determine filename for UCSC Genome for %s: %s' % ( ucsc_dbkey, path_contents ) ) Exception: Unable to determine filename for UCSC Genome for hg38: ['.', '..', 'est.fa.gz', 'est.fa.gz.md5', 'mrna.fa.gz', 'mrna.fa.gz.md5', 'refMrna.fa.gz', 'refMrna.fa.gz.md5', 'xenoMrna.fa.gz', 'xenoMrna.fa.gz.md5', 'xenoRefMrna.fa.gz', 'xenoRefMrna.fa.gz.md5', 'analysisSet', 'README.txt', 'hg38.2bit', 'hg38.agp.gz', 'hg38.chromFa.tar.gz', 'hg38.chromFaMasked.tar.gz', 'hg38.fa.align.gz', 'hg38.fa.gz', 'hg38.fa.masked.gz', 'hg38.fa.out.gz', 'hg38.trf.bed.gz', 'md5sum.txt']
I can download hg38 using the reference genome data manager although I cannot assign this to hg38 since this is not available in the list of dbkeys in the pull-down menu.
I have loaded hg38.fa directly into a Galaxy history and then attempted to run the 'Create DBkey and Reference Genome' and get the following error:
IndexError: list index out of range
Do you have any suggestions on a way forward?
Many thanks for you help.