I came across this galaxy workflow that was originally used with 454 sequences.
I was wondering if it would also work with Hi-seq data (HiSeq 2500 2x125 PE)
I came across this galaxy workflow that was originally used with 454 sequences.
I was wondering if it would also work with Hi-seq data (HiSeq 2500 2x125 PE)
The most current metagenomics tutorial with a Galaxy workflow is here: http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/Metagenomics/
The Windshield Splatter publication's workflow was designed for single end sequencing. It is also a bit outdated, so you will not find several of the tools at the Galaxy Main public server at http://usegalaxy.org anymore (if you plan to do the analysis there).
However, all of the original tools are in the Tool Shed. These are for use in a local or cloud Galaxy. Also, histories, datasets, and/or workflows can be exported/imported between Galaxy servers. The entire analysis is reproducible.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team