Question: Help finding NGS analysis/visualization tools for immunoglobulin repetoires
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19 months ago by
arielmoon10 wrote:

Hi all,

I'm a beginner to bioinformatics, and I'm having trouble finding specific tools that could help me analyze and visualize data of immunoglobulin variable heavy chains. The data I have is from a MiSeq readout. So far I've only been able to use PEAR to sticth my reads together, FASTAptamer to count, compare, and cluster my sequences, and thats about it. I've been trying to use different visualization tools on Galaxy but it seems like the ones that do allow FASTA files as input are spitting out errors because of varying length of sequences in the file and other errors (one that keeps popping up is "Picked Up JAVA_OPTIONS"?).

I've tried IgGalaxy but I'm having trouble setting it up because the VMWare isn't compatible with my computer. Am I missing something with Galaxy that I'm not aware of?

Thanks in advance!

ADD COMMENTlink modified 19 months ago • written 19 months ago by arielmoon10
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