Question: Trinity run failed at start- please help
gravatar for gg832
19 months ago by
gg83220 wrote:


My Trinity run just failed with the error below. I'm trying to do a de novo assembly of paired-end RNAseq data. Any help with understanding this error and how I might correct it would be greatly appreciated!



Galaxy note:

workdir is /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging/15630112/working
Running Trinity from /local/1019704
slurmstepd: couldn't chdir to `(unreachable)/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main/pulsar/venv/src/pulsar': No such file or directory: going to /tmp instead
Trinity ver

Log data:

Trinity version: v2.2.0
-ERROR: couldn't run the network check to confirm latest Trinity software version.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50 CMD: java -Xmx64m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=6 -jar /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/util/support_scripts/ExitTester.jar 0
Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50 CMD: java -Xmx64m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=6 -jar /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/util/support_scripts/ExitTester.jar 1
Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50 CMD: mkdir -p /local/1019704/trinity_out_dir
Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50 CMD: mkdir -p /local/1019704/trinity_out_dir/chrysalis

-------------- Trinity Phase 1: Clustering of RNA-Seq Reads  ---------------------

Converting input files. (in parallel)Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50    CMD: cat /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415621.dat | /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/trinity-plugins/fastool/fastool --append /1 --to-fasta >> left.fa 2> /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415621.dat.readcount 
Wednesday, April 19, 2017: 20:23:50 CMD: cat /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415622.dat | /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/trinity-plugins/fastool/fastool --append /2 --to-fasta >> right.fa 2> /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415622.dat.readcount 
Thread 1 terminated abnormally: Error, cmd: cat /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415621.dat | /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/trinity-plugins/fastool/fastool --append /1 --to-fasta >> left.fa 2> /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415621.dat.readcount  died with ret 256 at /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/Trinity line 2206.
Thread 2 terminated abnormally: Error, cmd: cat /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415622.dat | /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/trinity-plugins/fastool/fastool --append /2 --to-fasta >> right.fa 2> /pylon5/mc48nsp/xcgalaxy/main_staging//15630112/inputs/dataset_19415622.dat.readcount  died with ret 256 at /opt/packages/trinity/2.2.0/Trinity line 2206.
Trinity run failed. Must investigate error above.
ADD COMMENTlink modified 19 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 19 months ago by gg83220
gravatar for Nate Coraor
19 months ago by
Nate Coraor3.2k
United States
Nate Coraor3.2k wrote:

Hi Gia,

This looks like a filesystem problem on Bridges, where Trinity runs. Could you try the job again and let us know if it encounters the same error please?


ADD COMMENTlink written 19 months ago by Nate Coraor3.2k

Hi Nate,

I submitted the job again ~11 hours ago. It's still waiting to run. I'm assuming it might be busy because it's just recently back up and running?



ADD REPLYlink written 19 months ago by gg83220
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
19 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Trinity was corrected again mid-day Friday 4/28/17 EST. Please re-run any jobs that failed.

If you have jobs that were started after that time, those will also need to be re-run (and the original grey jobs deleted/purged).

Sorry for the inconvenience, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 19 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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