Question: Galaxy history not showing collections
gravatar for Coryzaa
21 months ago by
Coryzaa10 wrote:


I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong... trying to run a basic script that produces multiple variable outputs. All this output should be flushed back to the history and as far as I understand It would be easily doable with collections. However no matter what I try (even simple examples); the collection doesn't show in my history. Hereby my code... hopefully someone figures out what I'm doing wrong.

<tool id="splitFasta" name="FASTA: Split" version="1.0" force_history_refresh="True">
<description>This tool splits a FASTA file in chunks.</description>
<command interpreter="sh"> $input $number; mkdir test; touch test/monkey.txt </command>
    <param name="input" type="data" label="Input FASTA file" help="The selected FASTA file should contain multiple sequences with a corresponding header."/>
    <param name="number" type="text" label="Number of chunks" help="The selected FASTA file will be divided into the selected number of chunks."/>
    <data name="log" format="log" label="Analysis log" />
    <collection name="output1" type="list" label="Split">
      <discover_datasets ext="txt" directory="test" visible="True" />

In this particular case my history only shows "Analysis.log".

ADD COMMENTlink modified 21 months ago • written 21 months ago by Coryzaa10
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