Question: Where can I find the Trinity statistics?
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22 months ago by
binibe70 wrote:


This is maybe a stupid question, but I am new to RNA sequencing and the Galaxy environment - so I hope some experienced users can help me out.

I just performed a Trinity assembly (from PE reads data) - and now I want to see the statistics on the assembly (# contigs, N50 etc.).

It was my impression that I would end up with a log, the fasta with all sequences - and then an assembly statistics. But I only see the log and the fasta file.

Do you know how I can get the statistics on the assembly and see how well it did?

Thank you!

assembly trinity rna-seq • 598 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 22 months ago by raggieapauly0 • written 22 months ago by binibe70
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