Question: Can't map my pairend samples with TopHat after grooming.
bal.sezz • 10 wrote:
Hello everyone,
I need to do TopHat my groomed data files, which are pair-ended. I groomed my files without any problem but I get error when I did TopHat. It is paired end (so downloaded File 1 and File 2 for each sample - I have two samples.). I choose hg38 as they were Human cells. I do not understand the exact reason of the error and would really apppreciate if you could help me about it. Thank you very much!
What was the specific problem with Tophat? Posting the job error would help.
Also, where we the jobs run? At Galaxy Main ( or elsewhere? If at Main or you can reproduce the problem there, a bug report can be sent in for more detailed feedback. I can let you and others know that on Saturday a few jobs failed for transient server reasons - a direct rerun should correct those specific errors (and no bug report is needed).
Include a link to this post in the comments so we can link the two. Any replies here will be general in nature (if the problem was due server issues, a tool issue and/or data input problem) AND will not include details about your actual data shared.
Sorry you ran into problems but we can help. Jen, Galaxy team