Hi, I have got a list of differentially expressed genes after Tophat analysis. These genes have identifiers with official gene symbol or Ensembl number. The Ensembl number is below. When I carry out functional annotation in Galaxy or DAVID website, I found those with Ensembl number did not appear. So how can I do transversion Ensembl number into official gene symbol. Or how can I analyze the data with Ensembl number? Thank you. ENSOARG00000014819 ENSOARG00000005901 ENSOARG00000018868 ENSOARG00000019866 ENSOARG00000006811 ENSOARG00000015034 ENSOARG00000014187 ENSOARG00000015190 ENSOARG00000009474 ENSOARG00000009488 ENSOARG00000017006 ENSOARG00000014805 ENSOARG00000018199 ENSOARG00000021057 ENSOARG00000023837 ENSOARG00000019088 ENSOARG00000002786 ENSOARG00000002816 ENSOARG00000002469
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Question: DAVID analysis on Ensembl+number
zhang_hbnu • 0 wrote:
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
Two choices:
Use a reference annotation dataset with Cuffdiff that includes the gene_name attribute.
Swap the Ensembl identifier for Gene Symbol. Tabular files mapping the values can be obtained from Biomart (under "Get Data").
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team
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