Question: Could you add sheep reference genomes into the database?
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2.3 years ago by
zhang_hbnu0 wrote:

Could you add reference genomes into the database? Ovis aries (sheep) Lineage: Eukaryota[1961]; Metazoa[689]; Chordata[301]; Craniata[294]; Vertebrata[294]; Euteleostomi[289]; Mammalia[126]; Eutheria[122]; Laurasiatheria[56]; Cetartiodactyla[25]; Ruminantia[14]; Pecora[14]; Bovidae[10]; Caprinae[4]; Ovis[2]; Ovis aries[1]

Submitter: International Sheep Genome Consortium Assembly level: Chromosome Assembly: GCA_000298735.2 Oar_v4.0 scaffolds: 5,466 contigs: 48,482 N50: 150,472 L50: 5,008 BioProjects: PRJNA179263, PRJNA169880 Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS): INSDC: AMGL00000000.2 Statistics: total length (Mb): 2615.52 protein count: 85433 GC%: 41.9473

Ovis aries breed Texel chromosome 1, Oar_v4.0, whole genome shotgun sequence


rna-seq • 462 views
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