Question: How can I find my data?
gravatar for zhang_hbnu
2.3 years ago by
zhang_hbnu0 wrote:

Hi: I am very sorry to disturb you with this question but I have problem to see my data. could you hepl me? Many thanks in advance, sincerely,

After I upload my data, I want to rename the history. But I click the button "Create new" in the upright gear section, so I can't find my data. However I can see I have use 14% quatos.

Could anyone tell me how to find my data, thanks.

Runfeng Zhang

galaxy • 780 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.3 years ago • written 2.3 years ago by zhang_hbnu0
gravatar for Hotz, Hans-Rudolf
2.3 years ago by
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k wrote:


Try the "View all histories button" in the top right hand corner, or use the "History options" button/wheel (to the left) and select 'Saved Histories'


ADD COMMENTlink written 2.3 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
gravatar for zhang_hbnu
2.3 years ago by
zhang_hbnu0 wrote:

I still can not see anything but 14% quatos. Anyway, thanks.

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.3 years ago by zhang_hbnu0

do you see (at least) two histories?

ADD REPLYlink written 2.3 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k

nothing. but the quatos is still 14%.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.3 years ago by zhang_hbnu0

Can you toggle the "Advanced search" on the saved histories page and check the options there for 'all' or 'deleted' histories?

ADD REPLYlink written 2.3 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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