Question: (No Subject)
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7.3 years ago by
Addwebi, Tarek10 wrote:
Hi Dear Is there anybody whom I can share my data with? I have an important question that I tried to answer, but I could not. Please see the attachment first, and let us see the first read in the first row. I need to know how many times I have this read in the whole data. Do I have to count all reads manually to know the number of this read? It would take a long time to count 11 million reads. Thank you
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.3 years ago by Ido M. Tamir280 • written 7.3 years ago by Addwebi, Tarek10
gravatar for Ido M. Tamir
7.3 years ago by
Ido M. Tamir280
Ido M. Tamir280 wrote:
The read name information seems not to be in the file. If you want a histogram of the read counts you could Count (Statistics) of the 5. column. If vou want a histogram of the mapped positions you could Count (Statistics) on the first 4 columns. Afterwards you can graph it as a histogram (Graph/Display Data) A subject line would also be helpful in the future. HTH, ido
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.3 years ago by Ido M. Tamir280
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