Question: Storing Environment Variables for Predefined Environment Variables
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2.3 years ago by
marcoalbuquerque.sfu50 wrote:

I am trying to create an environment variable of which will be stored in for an environment variable that already exists.

Essentially I am fetching predefined JAVA environment variables using the following:

R CMD javareconf -e

This command defines a series of environment variables, some of which include JAVA and JAVAC, etc.

I then try to do the following:

<environment_variable name="JAVA" action="set_to">$JAVA</environment_variable>
<environment_variable name="JAVAC" action="set_to">$JAVAC</environment_variable>

But this does not store the value of $JAVA but instead "$JAVA".

Any suggestions on how to do this in galaxy without having to create a second


galaxy environment rjava • 592 views
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