Question: Python command interpreter with prepended path
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3.8 years ago by
marcoalbuquerque.sfu50 wrote:

Hello Galaxy,

I have been working on adding a tool to my personal instance but I am having an issue with the python interpretter

For some reason it is prepending a defined path to my python command:

python: can't open file '/home/galaxy/galaxy_shed_tools/galaxy-url-???.ca/repos/marcoalbuquerque/add_vaf_and_ccf/586667004174/add_vaf_and_ccf/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Where I have the following command:

    <command interpreter="python"> -d $distance $maf $params $segs $outfile

This is currently stored in the associated REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR path, but when i tack on the environment variable (i.e. \$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR/ ...) it doesn't work properly. Unless of course I drop the interpreter (which causes other issues). 

Please let me know if there is a work around this, or do I need to drop the interpreter. My code uses pybedtools and is having issues locating the bed functions (I'm assuming this was the issue, but could be wrong).

I can email the tool dependency and config files upon request.

Thanks so much!

Marco Albuquerque

tool configuration galaxy • 961 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.8 years ago • written 3.8 years ago by marcoalbuquerque.sfu50
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3.8 years ago by
marcoalbuquerque.sfu50 wrote:

The predefined path was $REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR. I seemed to have moved my python script into the $INSTALL_DIR and using the environment variable with the python interpreter was basically appending the $REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR to the $INSTALL_DIR, which was causing confusion.

Fixed this by not moving my python script, and keeping it in the $REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR and dropping the environment variable (it seems galaxy knows where this directory is and the python interpreter assumes the script you are calling is in this directory).

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.8 years ago by marcoalbuquerque.sfu50
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