Hello ,
I wanted to ask you if there is a way to notify user (by sending an email automatically) when for example galaxy hangs, or shows some kind of error which results in not running galaxy.
For example, I received :
paste.httpserver.ThreadPool WARNING 2016-07-28 02:52:22,971 Thread 140329206122240 hung (working on task for 117500 seconds)
paste.httpserver.ThreadPool WARNING 2016-07-28 02:52:22,972 Thread 140329189336832 hung (working on task for 117376 seconds)
paste.httpserver.ThreadPool WARNING 2016-07-28 02:52:22,974 Thread 140329172551424 hung (working on task for 75331 seconds)
and galaxy hang, I couldn't load the page.
Is there a way to get a notification when something like this happens?