Question: Usage of $__app__ for galaxy tool metadata retrieval
katherine.beaulieu014 • 80 wrote:
Hi everyone, I have been looking for a way to get at the metadata associated with history items using an existing galaxy tool I developed and have recently come upon John Chilton's code to get the history id and history name. One of the line is:
#set $history_id=$$
My question is whether or not I can use something similar to get at the rest of the associated metadata like the history content api id, job api id, uuid, job command line, job end time, job start time, cores allocated, job runtime. I have really found much information on how to use $__app__ or really what it is intended to be for. I am assuming this line of code uses the galaxy api. Thanks!
Hi Katherine
Have you made any progress on this? and /or can you point me to the location where you have found the line of code
Thank you very much Regards, Hans-Rudolf