Question: passing parameters to workflows via API
gravatar for dkrol3
2.4 years ago by
dkrol30 wrote:


I've two questions regarding passing input parameters through workflows API. I'm using the bioblend api provided by .

1) I'm using the same tool (vcffilter) two times in my workflow. There is a parameter named filterList and I would like to set different values for this parameter when invoking my workflow. Right now by using the following dict as params both steps are set: params = {'': {'param': 'filterList', 'value': '-f "DP > 1"'}}

2) I'm trying to use the free bayes tool - '' and there are some parameters used in the conditional tag, e.g. 'options_type.options_type_selector'. How should I set them when invoking parameter through API ? I've tried several possibilities including: params = {'': {'param': 'options_type.options_type_selector', 'value': 'full'}} params = {'': {'param': 'options_type_selector', 'value': 'full'}} params = {'': {'param': 'options_type', 'value': 'full'}} but nothings seems to be working.

Thanks in advance, Darek

galaxy • 647 views
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