Question: Capsule with dependencies - "dependency hierarchy could not be determined"
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2.5 years ago by
esch004160 wrote:

I have exported package_r_3_2_1 as a capsule including dependencies from and imported it into a freshly created local tool shed.

When I preview package_r_3_2_1 for installation to my freshly created local galaxy instance, I receive this warning:

The complete dependency hierarchy could not be determined for this repository, so no required repositories will not be installed. This is likely due to invalid repository dependency definitions. Here are the attributes of the dependencies defined for this repository to help determine the cause of this problem.

Tool shed Repository name Owner Changeset revision Prior install required

http://localhost:9099 package_fontconfig_2_11_1 iuc 7c90fda89e5e True

http://localhost:9099 package_atlas_3_10 iuc 874614236572 True

http://localhost:9099 package_readline_6_3 iuc c50e37f361c5 True

http://localhost:9099 package_libpng_1_6_7 iuc ffd9b56a554f True

http://localhost:9099 package_cairo_1_12_14 iuc d8fb24a9634f True

http://localhost:9099 package_pixman_0_32_6 iuc c50ea8d85de0 True

http://localhost:9099 package_freetype_2_5_2 iuc c024f5e6b897 True

http://localhost:9099 package_ncurses_6_0 iuc 826586dd97da True

http://localhost:9099 package_fontconfig_2_11_1 iuc 7c90fda89e5e True

This is notwithstanding the fact that all of these repositories and package_r_3_2_1 are all in the my local tool shed and marked

 "This revision can be installed: True"

What might be going wrong, or what am I doing wrong?

Thank you

Update: It was suggested that I walk up the dependency tree. Accordingly, I:

  • installed package_ncurses_6_0 revision 826586dd97da without apparent issue
  • installed package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 2306317bebb7 without receiving any warnings, resulting in Status Installed
  • tried to install package_libpng_1_6_7 revision but during preview received the following message

The complete dependency hierarchy could not be determined for this repository, so no required repositories will not be installed. This is likely due to invalid repository dependency definitions. Here are the attributes of the dependencies defined for this repository to help determine the cause of this problem.

Tool shed Repository name Owner Changeset revision Prior install required

http://localhost:9099 package_zlib_1_2_8 iuc 2306317bebb7 True

ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.5 years ago • written 2.5 years ago by esch004160

I tried resetting the repository metadata for each repository, one at a time. As far as I can tell, this seems to have been effective - I saw no errors when I installed package_r_3_2_1 into my repository.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.4 years ago by esch004160
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