Hello everyone, I am trying to create my own custom tool in Galaxy using the python API for iRODS, python-irodsclient. I have included my tool.xml file and my tool_dependencies.xml file:
<tool id="test" name="Test Tool" version="0.1.0">
<description>Testing tool</description>
<requirement type="package" version="0.1.0">test_package</requirement>
<requirement type="set_environment">python-irodsclient</requirement>
<command interpreter="python">test.py $input</command>
<param format="data" name="input" type="data" label="Select file"/>
<data format="data" name="output" />
<set_environment version="1.0">
<install version="1.0">
<action type="setup_virtualenv" python="python2.7" use_requirements_file="False">
<package name="test_package" version="0.1.0">
<repository toolshed="localhost:9009" name="push_tool1" owner="katherine"/>
When I upload this to my local tool shed, I don't run into any problems, but if I try to install it in my local galaxy instance it says the complete dependency hierarchy could not be determined for this repository so no required repositories could be installed. The way my repo is set up is I have my test.py file in a folder called test_package and I have my test.xml and tool_dependecies.xml files outside that folder. Any help in getting this tool up and running would be appreciated!
Hi Bjoern, I seemed to have fixed the problem but thank you so much for the help, much appreciated!
Sure, anytime, no Problem!