Question: Problem Using Tools In Local Installation
gravatar for Sigurjón Axel Guðjónsson
12.8 years ago by
Hi Galaxy team, Thanks for developing great platform for interactive large-scale genome analysis. We installed local mirror of Galaxy on linux machine. This mirror works well in connecting and getting data. But many of the tools are not working. It seems to be looking for binary files i.e. file named "galaxyOps3". Were can we find source code for that tool or any other tools using compiled binary files. best regards, Sigurjon Sigurjon Axel Gudjonsson Data Analysis and Management deCode genetics, Inc Tel: +354 570 1871
galaxy • 756 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250 • written 12.8 years ago by Sigurjón Axel Guðjónsson10
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12.8 years ago by
Istvan Albert250
University Park
Istvan Albert250 wrote:
Hello Sigurjon, The program in question links to libraries with a different licensing scheme than galaxy and therefore could not be included in the distribution. We need to discuss some of these issues internally and then we can give you a more definitive answer on whether we can supply you with this progam on an individual basis. We'll get back to you on this one. Istvan -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.8 years ago by Istvan Albert250
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