Question: Fetch Taxonomic Representation and Kraken
gravatar for Elaine Youngman
2.6 years ago by
Elaine Youngman10 wrote:


I need to do a quick analysis of taxonomy for a small set of Illumina reads (~1200), and was planning to use "Fetch Taxonomic Representation." However, I see in previous threads that this tool has been hidden, with the intention of replacing it with Kraken. Kraken is not useable yet, as there are no databases loaded - correct? Is there an alternate solution that is immediately available? Perhaps a group-specific Galaxy site somewhere? We are working on installing Galaxy to a local machine, but get an error when running Fetch Taxonomic Representation: Traceback (most recent call last): File"/home/biolab/shed_tools/", line 166, in <module> get_taxId( GI2TAX, collapse_repeating_gis( g2n ), ) File "

I was hoping to run a small dataset on the public server as a test.


metagenomics • 709 views
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