Question: Help Regarding Annotation
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8.0 years ago by
pande110 wrote:
Dear galaxy, Conceptually if I take sequences from mm9 and use the lift over to convert them to mm8 and then annotate these with any software for cis element annotation do you think I will get a fairly good result ? I am bit confused. Does the annotation for the cis regulome undergo so much variation ? thanks .
galaxy • 665 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.0 years ago by Maximilian Haussler30 • written 8.0 years ago by pande110
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8.0 years ago by
Maximilian Haussler30 wrote:
I have not checked this particular case now, but the difference between the different genomes are fairly small, especially for mouse and especially between these two versions. I have lifted thousands of regions between both and usually didn't get any unmappable regions. cheers Max
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.0 years ago by Maximilian Haussler30
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